The superintendent announced Tuesday that Orangeburg Consolidated School District Three will hold its first "
Reading Festival"
"The event will be held Dec. 14-17 at the Holly Hill Depot for students ages 5 to 12", said Dr. Cynthia Cash-Greene,"The fun-filled event will feature the reading of the book "The Polar Express" and other activities" she added.
During the board meeting the officials which include Valerie Lawrence, a teacher at St. James-Gaillard Elementary School, also spotlighted the about the benefits of students taking swimming lessons at the Orangeburg YMCA
Lawrence said "the first day of the lessons, several children were shy about getting into the water. By the end of the last lesson, the instructors had every student jumping into nine feet of water"
The school board has since approved swimming lessons for the district's second-graders.
In other business:
* The superintendent announced HSAP testing will be held Oct. 18-29 for Lake Marion High School students.
* Cash-Greene reported the Lake Marion Rotary Club donated 20 bags of school supplies to 20 students at each of the district's elementary schools.
* The superintendent reported the district will unveil its new website this month in conjunction with efforts to "create a responsive school environment."
* Cash-Greene announced Giant Cement Co. made a donation to the district's "Infinity Orangeburg" alternative school.
* The board voted to hold a retreat from 5-9 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 28, at the Vance Family and Friends Center for the purpose of learning more about the magnet school design and federal requirements associated with the grant the district received for the magnet schools.
* Bonnie Moskos, executive director of curriculum and instruction, said classroom libraries were distributed throughout the district using funds allocated for instructional materials.