Superintendent Stuart Greenfield said: “Last year saw an escalation in violence on the Sunday night where too many people had drink too much, they were lighting fires which presented a very real safety risk to other campers on that site.
“Most people go to the site and are there purely to see the music for a good time – 95 per cent, it’s the small minority.
“However the issues that presented themselves last year on the Sunday darkness quite significant and presented a real risk to public safety, to the other festival-goers, staff on the site, to my officers and to the fire service.
“We can’t ignore that and have worked very hard in the planning stages for this year’s festival with the organisers themselves, Festival Republic and partners in the community safety team and licensing at the council.
Supt Greenfield added: “This year, for me, is about having a more proactive response.
“I want my officers to be engaged with the festival-goers selling crime prevention messages.
“It’s a test year almost, a lot more policing, a lot more stewards, we will watch what effect that has and that will dictate our resourcing coming year.”